Apparently not. But it is the end of the working week and the last Friday before Christmas and so it probably is the end of any kind of sanity out there on the roads and in the shops. Only four more sleeps...eek!
Since our last blog we’re very pleased that our nice and shiny new website has gone live and our sincere thanks have to go to Charlotte and Will at Mookat for their great work, thanks guys, it was a really enjoyable process and it was a pleasure to work with you both. We hope you all like our new website and we always welcome your feedback.
And now, as it’s half past four in the afternoon and as the last three emails I’ve sent have all bounced back with, “sorry, we’re on holiday now until the new year” messages, I’ll keep this blog brief, but just before I do sign off and start making lists and checking them twice and all that, I would just like to take this opportunity to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year...let’s hope it’s a good one!
Great blog post! We thoroughly enjoyed the project too, we'd never have believed we'd know so much about the Party Wall Act! Enjoy the holidays and here's to a great 2013.